Crown Plaza Hotel
We supplied and installed Ege tufted carpets designed and manufactured to customer's specific requirements and installed in guest rooms, suites and corridors.
Carpeting in the main lobby, lounges and conference facility was installed by our team.
This project entailed Frezza Ono desks and Okamura Sabrina chairs for senior staff and DVO York desks and Fursys T50 series chairs for other staff. Fursys megaplan workstations and conference tables were also provided.
Qatar Petroleum
We have provided Okamura Contessa chairs for senior staff as well as DVO and Fursys workstations for other staff.
Qatar Handball Association
Supplied and installed Ege tufted carpets in corridor and guest rooms
a DVO reception counter, Fursys megaplan workstations and partitions, T50 series chairs and XX series conference tables were delivered.
Qatar University
Highline loop modular collection carpet tiles from Ege Carpets Denmark was provided and installed by our team.
Qatar Silhouette Tower
Intercontinetal Hotel and Conference Centre. Cawn broadloom carpets installed.